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"Tonight I can report to the American people and the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden."The manhunt operation is another frustration of the U.S. army to pursue their 9/11 terrorist attack ongoing investigation. In addition to report, he also noted and praised the brave men who fought for their country.
"Vance (David Walton) bonded with the ex-boyfriends of Amy (Mary Elizabeth Ellis) as he found out that she invited them to attend their very special day. But he start to worry because he might be become one of these guys soon. In the other side, Rex (Hayes MacArthur) found out that Leigh (Olivia Munn) kept her ex-boyfriends file and tried to check each of these important details about them. Julia (Christine Woods) as well Dave (Kyle Bornheimer) tied up in some loose ends as they helped Vance and Amy in preparation for their wedding."These are the most exciting part of the story that awaits you and if you missed to catch it recently on NBC, visit the official website of the show for replay announcements. You can watch the promotional YouTube video of the show for preview or see the available reviews and recaps for more.